Monday, April 22, 2013

Port Oconner to Matagorda

Today we left our dreadful anchorage early and proceeded on the GICW to Matagorda which has the nicest marina we have seen in Louisiana or Texas.  The overnight anchorage was just off the GICW and the tugs came and went all night.  Today I didn't carefully read the guide books and took the old GICW on the chart instead of the new route across Matagorda bay.  The old route has silted in and is shallow in a couple of places.  Because our draft is small we were are to continue by slowing down in the shallow spots.  This also let us watch the parade of Tugs and barges parallel our path.  We joined into the parade behind a 7.8 Knot tug and in front of a 5 knot tug. 

A pod of 4-5 Dolphins escorted us as we started this morning.
Drill rig and paralleling tugs/barge.
more tugs and barges.

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