Wednesday, April 17, 2013

On Land in Texas

We are on the land in Texas.  Staying at my sisters house in San Antonio.  Last Blog we were in Rockport but the weather forecast was for very strong winds and thunderstorms so we bailed out and came to San Antonio.  We have been visiting relatives in SA and Boerne. 

For a week my mother was in the hospital but is now home and very much better.  While she was in the hospital the siblings that were in SA stayed with her and Dad.  Siblings not here were in touch via cell phone texts.  Even though we had someone with them, things still got messed up in the hospital and with the doctors.  Some one alone in the hospital could easily get overlooked.   The take away is that when you have a loved one in the hospital you need to have someone there all the time and keep asking questions of the staff and pushing the doctors. 

Looks like weather is moderating so that we will return to Texas gulf coast this friday.

A homeowner remodeling in Boerne.

 Bluebonnets in a field near Boerne.

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