Saturday, April 20, 2013

Matagorda Bay

We left the marina at Palacios this morning and went across Tres Palacios bay and Matagorda bay.  These are shallow (to 10') bays and the SE wind kicked up a small chop.  We entered the GICW at Port Oconner but then turned out and made out way to Matagorda Island.  This island is now a Wildlife management area.  It used to be a park but now has no ranger, no water, no bathrooms, but it does have dock space for 10 boats.  In WW2 was used as a training airfield ( for the army I think) and bombing range.  We are the only ones here tonight.  Several Flats boats came by this afternoon.

Lots of drill platforms in the water.  this is a larger one, most are a platform with a single well head and pipes.  Expand this one and look behind the platform there is a forest of them in some areas.
 This is a big one, can't tell if any people are on it but it is bright at night.  when we were far away it looked like a junk pile.
What happens to an concrete airfield when its abandoned for 30-40 years.  Fran is standing on asphalt pavement, look to her left for a concrete pavement, its plants in a rectangular grid where the expansion joints are.
All by ourself at Matagorda docks.

1 comment:

  1. lol...your boat looks so lonely moored at the dock all alone :(
