Finished provisioning today and got the truck and trailer parked for a month. Down the Caloosahatchee River from North Fort Myers to Ft Myers Beach. Because this is part of the Okeechobee waterway which is part of the Gulf ICW, the normal rule for bouys is reversed. Normal is red right returning, so going down river should have had Green on the right, but no The Gulf ICW is red right returning where returning means heading towards Brownsville Texas. Thus the red is on the right going down this river, until we turn off the Gulf ICW then Green on the right. I needed to pay attention, plus having red green color blindness makes the colors problematic already so I mostly use shapes, Red is triangle, Green is square.
Looked under the Docks and yikes the cross braces are gone. But the docks seems sturdy.
This area of florida is crisscrossed with man made canals so that lots of homes can have a dock and access to the water. We went up one that had mangrove trees on one side.
And Houses on the other. Some palatial but others fairly modest.
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