Saturday, March 2, 2013

On the Dock in Ft Myers

Thursday and friday was a two day road trip from Panana City to Ft Myers
Florida.  Friday included stops in two quilt shops, one good (Dunedin, claim 20,000 bolts of cloth but Frances did not verify) and one so-so (Clearwater).  Friday lunch at a small BBQ place, open 11-6 Friday and Saturday only.  BBQ cooked out back in a screened shelter with lots of smoke. Very excellent! 
We observed a type of fern we have never seen.  These are staghorn or elkhorn ferns,  they grow in the air with no soil.  The first grown by a fellow at the Marina in Panama City.
The second in a tree in Clearwater.
Entrance to the marina from the Bay.

George alongside the boat in the Marina.

Next to Ann and John's boat.  John on their boat.
Today included two quilt shops in North Ft Myers and a West Marine.

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